Vous êtes ici

Pourquoi et comment optimiser votre veille ? 190409

Register & Cancel
Current status: Activé
Use minutes, hours, days and weeks to provide a period. E.g.: 1 day 4 hours or 50 hours. 2019-07-09 09:00:00 -12 hours = 2019-07-08 21:00:00
You can use HTML. URL for the new registration: @registration_url.
Use minutes, hours, days and weeks to provide a period. E.g.: 1 day 4 hours or 50 hours. 2019-07-09 09:00:00 -12 hours = 2019-07-08 21:00:00
This field is not editable and not used, because field_nombre_d_inscriptions_max has been set as Capacity source field. Empty or 0 means capacity is unlimited, waiting list will never be used.
Permettre aux personnes de s'inscire même si la capacité est atteinte.
This many slots can be consumed by 1 registration by an authenticated user. Set to 0 to disallow authenticated users.
This many slots can be consumed by 1 registration by an anonymous user. Set to 0 to disallow anonymous users.
Allows signed in users to change their e-mail address via the registration interface/form.
Forces a) authenticated users to verify their changed e-mail address OR b) anonymous users to verify their e-mail address.
Defaults to the site name: ProFA.
Defaults to the site e-mail: webmaster@labset.net. Accepts tokens.
Mail d’inscription pour le participant (confirmation)
A (comma separated) list of e-mail addresses to send this notification to. Accepts tokens.
Mail d’inscription envoyé à l’admin
A (comma separated) list of e-mail addresses to send this notification to. Accepts tokens.
Mail d’annulation envoyé aux participants
A (comma separated) list of e-mail addresses to send this notification to. Accepts tokens.
Mail d’annulation envoyé à l’admin
A (comma separated) list of e-mail addresses to send this notification to. Accepts tokens.
Block error messages
Show a themeable warning message for which scenario's?

Inscription à Pourquoi et comment optimiser votre veille ? 190409

Les inscriptions sont clôturées depuis le 8 juillet 2019 - 21:00.